starsat channel editor bugs.


عضو جديد
26 جانفي 2008
مستوى التفاعل
i am having trouble when i save channels from receiver to pc, i am using ali editor, after i save the channels and close the program and the load the bin file again, the sat and tp information are there but the channel names isn't there, i have tried fte maxeditor, emedit, alieditor, i have starsat sr-x4000d super, what channel editor to use with.?/ please help
i am having trouble when i save channels from receiver to pc, i am using ali editor, after i save the channels and close the program and the load the bin file again, the sat and tp information are there but the channel names isn't there, i have tried fte maxeditor, emedit, alieditor, i have starsat sr-x4000d super, what channel editor to use with.?/ please help

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و لو فتح المجال على مصراعيه ، فقد نتفاجـأ بمشاركة مثل هــاته :

i am having trouble when i save channels from receiver to pc, i am using ali editor, after i save the channels and close the program and the load the bin file again, the sat and tp information are there but the channel names isn't there, i have tried fte maxeditor, emedit, alieditor, i have starsat sr-x4000d super, what channel editor to use with.?/ please help

طريقة تحميل القنوات من PC إلى STB

1000 / 100
