عضو فعال
- إنضم
- 20 ماي 2013
- المشاركات
- 352
- مستوى التفاعل
- 395
لقد تفاجات اليوم بوقف بطاقتي عن العمل ، و السبب يعود ان هنالك شخص حاول سرقة المال من البطاقة ، و الحمد لله البطاقة لم يكن فيها اموال، المشكل انني لم استعمل البطاقة للشراء من اي موقع الكتروني ، و ثانيا البطاقة محفوظة في المنزل ، كل يوم 1 في الشهر اتلقى عليها راتب شهري من شركة معروفة ، كل شهر كنت ارسل الاموال من بايونيير الى سكريل و من سكريل الى نيتلر و اقوم ببيع الرصيد ، لا اعلم ماهو الحل ، هذه الرسالة التي وصلتني من بايونيير
Dear ........ ..........,
We are sorry to inform you that your Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard® was charged by DP 11411 FLORESTA VERA on Nov 17 2017 7:59PM without your permission.
In order to keep your funds secure, we have disabled your card.
To receive a new card, please reply to this email and request to have a new card shipped to you.
We ask that you please review all of the other transactions made from your card to make sure they were made with your permission. To see the transactions on your card, please log in to Payoneer.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Sincerely,The Payoneer Team
We are sorry to inform you that your Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard® was charged by DP 11411 FLORESTA VERA on Nov 17 2017 7:59PM without your permission.
In order to keep your funds secure, we have disabled your card.
To receive a new card, please reply to this email and request to have a new card shipped to you.
We ask that you please review all of the other transactions made from your card to make sure they were made with your permission. To see the transactions on your card, please log in to Payoneer.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Sincerely,The Payoneer Team