OpenTSimage Enigma2 crash log
crashdate=Sun Mar 12 15:57:33 2023
compiledate=Mar 6 2023
kernelcmdline=root=/dev/sdb2 rootdelay=10 rw console=ttyS0,115200 bmem=116M@140M
nimsockets=NIM Socket 0:
imageissue=[0;35m [1;32m .--.
ctions' -> Action = 'volumeDown'.
[eDVBVolumecontrol] Setvolume: raw: 80 80, -1db: 13 13
2023-03-12 15:57:06+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen 'Volume'.
2023-03-12 15:57:06+0000 [-] [Volume] Volume set to 80.
2023-03-12 15:57:06+0000 [-] [ActionMap] Keymap 'GlobalActions' -> Action = 'volumeDown'.
[eDVBVolumecontrol] Setvolume: raw: 75 75, -1db: 16 16
2023-03-12 15:57:06+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen 'Volume'.
2023-03-12 15:57:06+0000 [-] [Volume] Volume set to 75.
2023-03-12 15:57:07+0000 [-] [ActionMap] Keymap 'GlobalActions' -> Action = 'volumeDown'.
[eDVBVolumecontrol] Setvolume: raw: 70 70, -1db: 19 19
2023-03-12 15:57:07+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen 'Volume'.
2023-03-12 15:57:07+0000 [-] [Volume] Volume set to 70.
2023-03-12 15:57:07+0000 [-] [ActionMap] Keymap 'GlobalActions' -> Action = 'volumeDown'.
[eDVBVolumecontrol] Setvolume: raw: 65 65, -1db: 23 23
2023-03-12 15:57:07+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen 'Volume'.
2023-03-12 15:57:07+0000 [-] [Volume] Volume set to 65.
2023-03-12 15:57:07+0000 [-] [ActionMap] Keymap 'InfobarChannelSelection' -> Action = 'keyUp'.
2023-03-12 15:57:07+0000 [-] [Skin] Parsing embedded skin '<embedded-in-SimpleSummary>'.
2023-03-12 15:57:07+0000 [-] [Skin] Processing screen '<embedded-in-SimpleSummary>' from list 'ChannelSelection_summary, SimpleSummary', position=(0, 0), size=(132 x 64) for module 'SimpleSummary'.
2023-03-12 15:57:07+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen '['ChannelSelection_summary', 'SimpleSummary']'.
2023-03-12 15:57:07+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen 'ChannelSelection'.
2023-03-12 15:57:10+0000 [-] [ActionMap] Keymap 'OkCancelActions' -> Action = 'ok'.
2023-03-12 15:57:10+0000 [-] [Navigation] playing: 4097:0:1:2AE:7D08:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//|.AR.| BEIN SPORTS PREMIUM 1 SD
WaitThread - waiting for 10000ms
PlayerBackend::gotMessage - tStop
[gRC] Warning: Main thread is busy, displaying spinner!
WaitThread - timed out
PlayerBackend::gotMessage - tKill
user send SIGINT(Ctrl-C) to console App
PlayerBackend::recvStopped - retval = 0
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] StackTrace
ExtEplayer3::ExtEplayer3 initializing with options:
aac_swdec = 0
ac3_swdec = 0
audio_id = not set
audio_uri = not set
dash_audio_id = not set
dash_video_id = not set
downmix = 0
dts_swdec = 0
eac3_swdec = 0
ffmpeg_option = not set
flv2mpeg4 = not set
live_ts = not set
loop = not set
lpcm_injection = 0
mp3_swdec = 0
mpegts_program_id = not set
nice = not set
no_pcm_resampling = not set
progressive = not set
rtmpproto = 0
subtitle_id = not set
wma_swdec = 0
eServiceApp::fillSubservices - failed to retrieve subservices, not supported url
eServiceApp::getNumberOfSubservices - 0
eServiceApp::getNumberOfSubservices - 0
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] ========== Stacktrace of active Python threads ===========
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] ========== Thread ID 0x6ddf03e0 =========================
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 995, in _bootstrap
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 1038, in _bootstrap_inner
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 975, in run
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/_threads/", line 46, in work
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] for task in iter(queue.get, _stop):
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 171, in get
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 320, in wait
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] ========== Thread ID 0x6e5f13e0 =========================
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 995, in _bootstrap
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 1038, in _bootstrap_inner
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 975, in run
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/_threads/", line 46, in work
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] for task in iter(queue.get, _stop):
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 171, in get
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 320, in wait
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] ========== Thread ID 0x6edf23e0 =========================
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 995, in _bootstrap
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 1038, in _bootstrap_inner
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 975, in run
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/_threads/", line 46, in work
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] for task in iter(queue.get, _stop):
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 171, in get
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 320, in wait
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] ========== Thread ID 0x6f5f33e0 =========================
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 995, in _bootstrap
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 1038, in _bootstrap_inner
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 975, in run
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/_threads/", line 46, in work
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] for task in iter(queue.get, _stop):
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 171, in get
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/", line 320, in wait
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] ========== MainThread 0x7652ebc0 =========================
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 666, in <module>
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] runScreenTest()
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 526, in runScreenTest
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] runReactor()
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 107, in runReactor
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-]
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 1318, in run
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] self.mainLoop()
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 1331, in mainLoop
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] reactorBaseSelf.doIteration(t)
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 154, in doPoll
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 43, in poll
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 57, in action
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 2091, in channelSelected
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 2179, in zap
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 2119, in checkTimeshiftRunning
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/", line 10, in __call__
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 2193, in zapCheckTimeshiftCallback
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 183, in playService
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] File: "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 81, in dispatchEvent
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] ========== Stacktrace end ================================
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] resolved to PLAY
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] resolved to PLAY
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] resolved to PLAY
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] new service started! trying to download cuts!
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] download failed, no cuesheet interface
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] RemovePopup, id = ZapError
PlayerBackend::gotMessage - tStart
PlayerApp::processStart: exteplayer3 "" -a 0 -n 0
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen 'InfoBarSummary'.
ExtEPlayer3::handleJsonOutput - unhandled key "EPLAYER3_EXTENDED"
2023-03-12 15:57:20+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen 'InfoBar'.
ExtEPlayer3::handleJsonOutput - unhandled key "PLAYBACK_OPEN"
ExtEPlayer3::handleJsonOutput - unhandled key "OUTPUT_OPEN"
PlayerBackend::recvStart - status = 0
PlayerBackend::gotMessage - start
eServiceApp::gotExtPlayerMessage - start
PlayerBackend::recvVideoTrackCurrent - status = 0
PlayerBackend::gotMessage - videoFramerateChanged
eServiceApp::gotExtPlayerMessage - videoFramerateChanged
PlayerBackend::gotMessage - videoSizeChanged
eServiceApp::gotExtPlayerMessage - videoSizeChanged
PlayerBackend::recvAudioTrackCurrent - status = 0
PlayerBackend::recvSubtitleTrackCurrent - status = 0
WaitThread - waiting for 500ms
WaitThread - in time
PlayerBackend::gotMessage - tAudioList
eServiceApp::getTrackInfo = 0
PlayerBackend::gotMessage - tGetLength
WaitThread - waiting for 500ms
PlayerBackend::gotMessage - tSubtitleList
WaitThread - in time
eServiceApp::getSubtitleList - found embedded tracks (0)
eServiceApp::getSubtitleList - found external tracks (0)
eServiceApp::getCachedSubtitle - no subtitles available
2023-03-12 15:57:22+0000 [-] [ActionMap] Keymap 'GlobalActions' -> Action = 'volumeUp'.
[eDVBVolumecontrol] Setvolume: raw: 70 70, -1db: 19 19
2023-03-12 15:57:22+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen 'Volume'.
2023-03-12 15:57:22+0000 [-] [Volume] Volume set to 70.
2023-03-12 15:57:23+0000 [-] [ActionMap] Keymap 'GlobalActions' -> Action = 'volumeUp'.
[eDVBVolumecontrol] Setvolume: raw: 75 75, -1db: 16 16
2023-03-12 15:57:23+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen 'Volume'.
2023-03-12 15:57:23+0000 [-] [Volume] Volume set to 75.
2023-03-12 15:57:23+0000 [-] [ActionMap] Keymap 'GlobalActions' -> Action = 'volumeUp'.
[eDVBVolumecontrol] Setvolume: raw: 80 80, -1db: 13 13
2023-03-12 15:57:23+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen 'Volume'.
2023-03-12 15:57:23+0000 [-] [Volume] Volume set to 80.
2023-03-12 15:57:23+0000 [-] [ActionMap] Keymap 'GlobalActions' -> Action = 'volumeUp'.
[eDVBVolumecontrol] Setvolume: raw: 85 85, -1db: 10 10
2023-03-12 15:57:23+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen 'Volume'.
2023-03-12 15:57:23+0000 [-] [Volume] Volume set to 85.
2023-03-12 15:57:24+0000 [-] [ActionMap] Keymap 'InfobarMenuActions' -> Action = 'mainMenu'.
2023-03-12 15:57:24+0000 [-] loading mainmenu XML...
2023-03-12 15:57:24+0000 [-] [Skin] Processing screen 'menu_mainmenu' from list 'menu_mainmenu, Menu', position=(0, 0), size=(1920 x 1080) for module 'MainMenu'.
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
2023-03-12 15:57:25+0000 [-] [Skin] No skin to read or screen to display.
2023-03-12 15:57:25+0000 [-] [Skin] Processing screen '<embedded-in-MenuSummary>', position=(?, ?), size=(? x ?) for module 'MenuSummary'.
2023-03-12 15:57:25+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen 'MenuSummary'.
2023-03-12 15:57:25+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen '['menu_mainmenu', 'Menu']'.
2023-03-12 15:57:28+0000 [-] [ActionMap] Keymap 'OkCancelActions' -> Action = 'ok'.
2023-03-12 15:57:28+0000 [-] [Skin] Processing screen 'menu_setup' from list 'menu_setup, Menu', position=(0, 0), size=(1920 x 1080) for module 'Menu'.
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
[gAccel] alloc failed
[gSurface] ERROR: accelAlloc failed
2023-03-12 15:57:29+0000 [-] [Skin] No skin to read or screen to display.
2023-03-12 15:57:29+0000 [-] [Skin] Processing screen '<embedded-in-MenuSummary>', position=(?, ?), size=(? x ?) for module 'MenuSummary'.
2023-03-12 15:57:29+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen 'MenuSummary'.
2023-03-12 15:57:29+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen '['menu_setup', 'Menu']'.
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] [ActionMap] Keymap 'OkCancelActions' -> Action = 'ok'.
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] [Skin] Processing screen 'Menu' from list 'menu_cam, Menu', position=(0, 0), size=(1920 x 1080) for module 'Menu'.
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] [Skin] No skin to read or screen to display.
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] [Skin] Processing screen '<embedded-in-MenuSummary>', position=(?, ?), size=(? x ?) for module 'MenuSummary'.
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] [Screen] Showing screen 'MenuSummary'.
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] Traceback (most recent call last):
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 77, in action
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 57, in action
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 172, in okbuttonClick
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/", line 10, in __call__
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 310, in openWithCallback
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] dlg =, *arguments, **kwargs)
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 332, in open
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] self.execBegin()
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/", line 244, in execBegin
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] c.execBegin()
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 67, in execBegin
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 395, in __onExecBegin
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 172, in okbuttonClick
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/", line 10, in __call__
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 184, in runScreen
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
2023-03-12 15:57:33+0000 [-] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Screens.SoftcamSetup'
[ePyObject] (PyObject_CallObject(<bound method NumberActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.NumberActionMap object at 0x6d5a3090>>,('OkCancelActions', 'ok')) failed)